
The wonderful inhabitants of Dreva


The glorious world of Dreva is inhabited by a wide range of Pikamoon. Each Pikamoon comes with the following details:

  • Nickname: The Pikamoon’s nickname, chosen by the player.

  • Species: The species of Pikamoon.

  • Level: The Pikamoon’s level.

  • Experience: The amount of experience the Pikamoon currently has, alongside the remaining amount needed to level up.

  • Origin: Pikamoon can herald from one of six different regions: the Flame Empire, the Water Kingdom, the Earth Regions, the Thunder Collective, the Air Ascendancy, and the Stone Duchy.

  • Types: There are currently six elemental types in the game. Fire, Water, Earth, Electric, Air, and Rock. A Pikamoon’s typing is based on its origin.

  • Stats: The Pikamoon’s stats. Each Pikamoon has Training Points (TPs) assigned to one of four stats: Attack, Defence, Speed, and Health.

  • Backgrounds: Each Pikamoon is randomly assigned a different background. Depending on their background, certain stats are easier to train than others.

List of Backgrounds

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