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PIKA has a total supply of 50,000,000,000 tokens. Below is a table that explains the distribution of this supply, including the token allocations of each distribution stage, as well as the respective vesting schedule of these tokens.
By design, the vesting schedules of each PIKA allocation have been implemented to ensure a slower inflation rate over time, therefore creating a more optimized token ecosystem upon game launch. Only at this time will holders be able to unlock the full potential PIKA, therefore meaning there’s a generalized incentive to hold the token until full game launch. Additionally, investment interest from the onlooking GameFi scene - who must invest in the token in order to enjoy Pikamoon’s complete catalog of in-game utilities - is likely to increase amid a full game launch (and beyond).
Below is a supply forecast that visually illustrates how PIKA’s circulating supply will gradually increase over a 3-year span. Here you can see how the slopes of each allocation get steadier and smoother over time, indicating a trajectory that entails lower inflation levels.